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Physics And Poetry

"For Beer a poem is a kind of living thing to be experienced, rather than an explanation to be unpacked:

You can live somewhere new for a while and still not have a strong sense as to where the best restaurants are, or find yourself getting lost on a regular basis. Poems are likewise to be lived with.
I liked Beer's metaphor about living uncomfortably in the midst of a poem you don't understand. That speaks to hidden similarities between physics (and all science) and poetry (and all the arts). In my own experience, for example, you do have to move in with a difficult piece of mathematical physics. It comes to you slowly. You read it, work out some details, get lost, come back again later."
Jul/15/2013, 6:34 pm Link to this post Send Email to libramoon   Send PM to libramoon Blog
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Re: Physics And Poetry

Hi libra,

I remember reading excerpts from Beer's The Wasteland and Other Poems a few years ago and being impressed. I think he is right about living with a poem. Sometimes I have to live with a poem for years before I start to understand it on deeper levels. This was my experience with Eliot's TWL. When I read TWL and Burnt Norton as a freshman in college, I was immediately drawn to BN, but TWL was an unpleasant jumble to me. It wasn't until a few years ago when I revisited TWL that I had an aha! moment and began to not only understand but also to genuinely like the poem.
Jul/26/2013, 10:10 am Link to this post Send Email to Katlin   Send PM to Katlin

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