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Terreson Profile
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Baby's burning tonight,
baby's got to go.
Cheeks are hot
telling it all,
but baby's got to go.
Kisses come home
even when she's gone,
it's what it feels like
when she comes and goes,
and you never know
when baby's got to go.

The way the wood burns blue,
wood's burning blue,
must be the mistakes
the girl's got to make,
the shaky new
she's got to see herself through.

And so she runs as freely
as when she comes home.
And I want to see her through
all the way through
the facing changes,
all the tricks
all the people
will always play on her.

Baby's got to go I know.
And I wont be here
when she gets back again,
when she gets herself
back this way again.
When last night's ember
just the finger tips
to touch her cheeks
is her desire.

And it's on that high note
you hit and hold,
the single signature's
emotion coming home
when baby's got to go,
you got to let her go.

Jul/29/2017, 9:54 pm Link to this post Send Email to Terreson   Send PM to Terreson
Mojave216 Profile
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Re: Auguries


title leaned toward Blake...seconds line and i thought of Gone Girl---the novel.

then a rap poem.

i liked the repetition, but does enough happen in the poem?

The way the wood burns blue,
wood's burning blue,
must be the mistakes
the girl's got to make,
the shaky new
she's got to see herself through.

nicely visual, but the logic seemed cloudy.

Aug/26/2017, 9:44 pm Link to this post Send Email to Mojave216   Send PM to Mojave216 Blog

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